Video Games | Teen Ink

Video Games

March 25, 2010
By JimmyNickerson BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
JimmyNickerson BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Video Games

When I am alone I play ..
Isolated in my room
Door closed
On my seat in the middle of the room.
Away from the world
This is all I have when I’m alone.
To play video games take time.
1 hour passes
2 hours pass
And I realize I have spent half my life playing
This game that has nothing to do with life.
I waste time on this game because it is fun.
Who said life was made to be fun
I play because I want to.
When I play I don’t like interruptions
Text messages. Mom Calling. Little brother.
Gamers know what I mean.
It takes a man to send a text while playing.
To pause the game knowing that someone is gunna kill you
Just to help your mom on something she doesn’t want to do
To let your little brother play waiting impatiently.
I am not a man yet.
I leave text messages alone.
I tell my mom “hold up” or “wait”
Knowing that if I do so I will get in trouble once she opens the room door.
I tell my little brother to just get out of my room to go play his own.
With video games,
I am Mike Mcgee
I am him
And my video game is his pudding.
But even for him too much pudding wasn’t good.
He became diabetic
And I am growing up
I am hooked on video games to realize enough is enough.
I have to become a man sooner or later.
So I will answer that text.
I will pause the game
I will let my little brother play.
Nahh ill just do that later.
I have my life to become a man.

The author's comments:
I like to party. I really don’t write a lot but I decided to write this poem to see if I could possible have a chance to let people know that I am not only a jokester but also some one that can write what6 I cam feeling at time. The poem that I decided to write is a poem called “video games”. The reason why I chose this title for the poem is because when people normally ask others about me I am known as the video gamer of the group that I hang out with. it is always me ad the video gamer and that’s it. So this poem actually talks about what happens when I play video games.


Jimmy Nickerson

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