When I Take The Paint Off | Teen Ink

When I Take The Paint Off

March 25, 2010
By DelightfullyDAZED PLATINUM, Las Cruces, New Mexico
DelightfullyDAZED PLATINUM, Las Cruces, New Mexico
25 articles 0 photos 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Our arms start from the back because they were once wings
~ suppose shes a wildflower
~i am free of all predujice, i hate everyone equally

You have never seen me without it
I feel beautiful with it
You tell me i do not need it
But how cliche of you to say that
When you shut your eyes
From me to darkness
I take it off
Then when you open
From darkness to light
You see me beautiful again
But as routine goes
I take the paint off
Now its a blank canvas
I look in the one thing that tells the truth
The mirror
My artless features
The essential me
Oblivious by you standing there
Hundreds of thoughts run past me
Whats running through yours
Hiding my face
You turn me around
My face is in your gentle hands
I close my eyes
Your beautiful
He said

The author's comments:
I want girls to realize that they are too beautiful with out makeup, and that guys will still find you beautiful

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This article has 1 comment.

mandygale77 said...
on Apr. 20 2010 at 11:43 am
Great poem! I wonder if there's a Makeup Anonymous. I could use it. :P