My Uncle's Third Nipple | Teen Ink

My Uncle's Third Nipple

March 14, 2010
By littlebeck30 SILVER, Glens Falls, New York
littlebeck30 SILVER, Glens Falls, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They say it's magical.
That it can tell a story
Of mystical time of old and sometimes new.
When Uncle Jack sat me down to tell a story.
He would always begin with "Once there was".
I was so engrossed by his logic
And the smell of new clothes.
As he told the story of how he slain the dragon
On the beach last June.
His third nipple was there for the ride too.
Along the bumpy road to the castle
Or the time he tamed a wild horse,
His third nipple was always there
Reminding me that he was brave
THat he was strong
THat he was my fearless leader
And most of all
Because he was too cheap to get it removed.

The author's comments:
comedy poem

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