Flowers, What are They? | Teen Ink

Flowers, What are They?

February 19, 2010
By Cali Nelson BRONZE, Okeene, Oklahoma
Cali Nelson BRONZE, Okeene, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Flowers are beautiful,
Just like our souls.

Is a flower alive?
Does it see what we see?

Why do flowers have names?
We don't call them by one.

Is a flower just something that grows?
Is a human just something that grows?

Or is a flower something
with pedals to
pick off to see if
he or she loves you?

But what if the flower doesn't have enough pedals?
Do you just pick another flower?

Why do flowers have color?
Maybe God gave them color to make the world,
Well... beautiful.

But what if the flower doesn't have enough pedals?
You can always use the leaves.

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