The Color of Life | Teen Ink

The Color of Life

February 8, 2010
By nonew BRONZE, Manteca, California
nonew BRONZE, Manteca, California
1 article 1 photo 1 comment

Color a five letter word.
Color which makes our worlds perspective brighter.
There are many colors that are not even known to man.
The grass is green.
The sky is blue.
The dirt is brown.
These natural beautys live in harmony, the don't fight.
A banana is yellow.
A apple is red.
A grape is green.
They don't fight, they live in harmony.
She's black.
He's white.
I'm brown.
Why do we fight? why can't we live in harmony?Do we need to be better
than someone else. Or is it we can't accept others for who they are.
Nature can, a piece of fruit can.
We can't
Can we?

The author's comments:
When my friends are racially discrimineted an I can't say anything when its a truth spoken in wrong way.

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