Questions, Questions | Teen Ink

Questions, Questions

February 15, 2010
By ThePrivatePoet27 BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
ThePrivatePoet27 BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it that my questions go unanswered?
Unknown, unseen, or unwanted?
I question and am a fool
I disagree and are punished
Whatever happened to the truth?
Freedom of speech and most importantly
religious freedom.........
Are we that politically correct?
Are we really that stupid, deceitful, and arrogant?
Why is it that my questions go unanswered?
I'll tell you why..........
It's 'cause they themselves don't know
The truth behind my questions
Questions, questions.......
So little time, so little tolerance
I question lies with the truth
And are called a hoodlum and a rebel
Why are we trying so hard to cover the truth
With a lie we know is false
My kind are expelled
But I don't care
Questions, Questions
So little time, so little tolerance

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