I Don't Know | Teen Ink

I Don't Know

January 29, 2010
By Anonymous

He pushs me and yells
She screams at the top of her lungs
I try to block them out but I cannot
I look over to my brother his is grinning in pleasure
I turn away in emaressment
Why ME? Why NOW?
They repeat their question over and over

What is wrong with you?

The only question…
That I do not know the answer to

I’m sorry.
But Im sick of your yelling
I need to be trusted
And im not
So why should I trust them?
An even if I knew the answer I don’t think I could tell them

The yelling never stops
And it wont stop until I know
What is wrong with me?

The only question…
That I do not know the answer to

I’m sorry

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