What Rats Think | Teen Ink

What Rats Think

January 20, 2010
By Kyle McNees BRONZE, Grand Junction, Michigan
Kyle McNees BRONZE, Grand Junction, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is this invisible wall that surrounds me?
And where is the door?
Whoa! Something’s coming!

Must hide.

I know. I’ll jump and cling to the ceiling.
And then I’ll pick the lock with my pink tail.

What is that thing?
It looks misshapen.

Ok. Maybe if I move really slowly it won’t see me.
I’m walking towards my hut.
It’s eying my white fur jealously.
I know my fur looks awesome, but this is annoying.

Oh! It left.

So, how do I get through this invisible wall?

The author's comments:
My pet mouse inspired me to write this because every time I walked into my room he would freak. And jump and cling to the ceiling of his cage.

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