My Heart | Teen Ink

My Heart

January 3, 2010
By Emmerz1012010 BRONZE, Oolitic, Indiana
Emmerz1012010 BRONZE, Oolitic, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have wayy too many to post :p

my heart is fragile, yet so strong, when i tell you, it is forever yours, i hope you care enough to treat it like your own, and try your darndest not to break it, it means everything to me, just like how much life is to you, this is my heart, and you've treated it with care, my feelings for you have grown, my heart beats faster to sound of your voice, so when you come around, please be gentle, my heart is ALWAYS in your hands.

The author's comments:
This is a piece I wrote myself, I write all my poems myself, but this is my favorite. It's dedicated to my mom because I love her more than anybody or anything, I would be DEVASTATED without her!!

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