Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

January 5, 2010
By Emily LaFantano BRONZE, Brattleboro, Vermont
Emily LaFantano BRONZE, Brattleboro, Vermont
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from Yankee baseball and rally caps.
From Sunny Boy Subs, CD Frisbees and corny jokes.

I am from Road trips it Long Island and 500 Rummy& Cribbage.
From staying up late with my older sister and from a clueless father.

I am from an alcoholic mother and late arrivals
From messed up relationships and zero trust.

I am from TAL and an evil step sister and a angelic step brother.
From loving siblings and driving on route 103 for an hour and half every weekend.

I’m from movie nights and multiple Christmas’s
From more siblings than I can count and no freedom.

I’m from new beginnings and Mel Brooks films
From wiffle ball and the lake.

I’m from pancake Sundays and no breakfast Mondays
From sleepless nights and overwhelming days.

I’m from love and confusion
From Responsibility and unraveling the truth

I’m from the memories I remember, the memories I want to remember
The memories I can’t seem to forget and the memories I want to hold on to.

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