Acting | Teen Ink


December 15, 2009
By Lu2419 BRONZE, Tinley Park, Illinois
Lu2419 BRONZE, Tinley Park, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"not all who wander are lost" unknown

I am an actress.
I can go on stage and recite a poem with ease.
I can go on stage and do a dance while singing a song.

I am an actress.

I am an actress both on and off the stage.
I can go up to the man I love ant not look at him longingly.
I can act like I don’t mind him having a girlfriend who loves him so.
I can act like I don’t care

Even though I do…

Every glance I take at him makes my heart weep
But being an actress, I can hide that fact

Acting as though you don’t care is harder than you think.
I am not one of those girls who gets the guys easily.

No, for I am an actress ant that, forever I will keep.

But. But maybe he is an actor!
Maybe our love could bloom like the blood red rose in spring!
Maybe we are too busy acting that we fail to see the truth!

But actresses and actors are never to show their true self on stage,

A theater even.
Everyone watching and judging you…

Even the strangers…

So now we are stuck

Acting as always…

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem for a man that I truly care about.

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