Claims | Teen Ink


September 25, 2009
By adnici BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
adnici BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why claim to be something your not?
Walking around like you're so hot!! :/
Claiming you're bad talking mess cause you think you're cute.
But when confrontation comes you're always on mute.
Saying you didn't say it knowing you did.
But you were just trying to act hard in front of your friends.
When i walk away i know you'll start talking.
But you didn't say it to me so i'll keep walking.
I wonder why i'm always on yo mind?
Is it because your boyfriend thinks i'm fine?
It's not that serious i don't want him anyway.
But if i did i'd sportem right in your face.
I'll claim that i didn't know he was your man.
But before we even started he was my #1 fan.
He even wanted to be boyfriend #2.
I see you mean muggin from a distance but you won't do it in my face.
Now you're nothing your claims came to an end
Because when your man left so did your friends.

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