Tears of God | Teen Ink

Tears of God

December 14, 2009
By lucyj715 SILVER, Saint Ann, Missouri
lucyj715 SILVER, Saint Ann, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Wishing is fine to do, but don't expect it to happen, unless you take a stand and try to MAKE it happen."

poisoned roses,
covered in thorns.
cold dead noses,
everyone's sad and forlorn.
dead pressed flowers,
mingle with lost souls.
While everyone cowers,
the sky's tears so beautiful.
the sun is setting,
the moon rises high.
i'm quietly letting,
all the tears fly.
the stars shine,
in the darkness of the night.
trying to make it fine,
trying to make things right.
and when the sun does rise,
early in the morning hours.
you can hear God's cries,
over the dying flowers.
the poisoned roses,
covered in thorns.
cold dead noses,
everyone's sad... and forlorn.

The author's comments:
i wrote this piece today during school while i was thinking about my mom, who is in the hospital.

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