Dear You | Teen Ink

Dear You

November 23, 2009
By Anonymous

Oh,Young Mister,
You are quite eloquent
And between us there is passion
You are such an endearing boy
I hold you very dear to my heart
I know not how to convey to you my feelings
I like to think I will not attach myself to you
And I like to pretend that it is not already done
It kills me to be aware of the fact,
That we will one day end
You have taken a part of me
My Innocence
You will always and forever be in my memories
I don't want to love you
I don't want to feel the need to be with you
I want to be immune to my own emotions
But unfortunately it's a little too late
You possess my heart
How do I protect myself from my own feelings
These are all my inhibitions
Secrets,that from myself,I even try to hide
This torrent of words
Has been going over and over in my mind
Telling you this I am very hesitant
Maybe I shouldn't have
I am sorry
My apologies

With love,

The Oppressed.

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