Take a Lap | Teen Ink

Take a Lap

December 10, 2009
By andrea21 BRONZE, Fairfield, Ohio
andrea21 BRONZE, Fairfield, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Arrive at practice fifteen minutes early, never show up late; be an example to the other girls; do not speak when I am speaking; stop when the whistle is blown; do not talk back to the officials even if they are wrong; that was only once, and he was really wrong; never forget to bring your lacrosse stick, and your extras in case someone else needs one; do not confront your teammates in an unfashionable manner; ALWAYS show good sportsmanship; do not talk to the other team, even if the person is guarding is your friend; do not listen to what your mother tells you when she yells on the sideline, she is an idiot; double knot your cleats; do wall-ball ten minutes every day; do not scream over me on the sidelines; push yourself; honestly that was not your best game, you can play better, but I scored three goals from defense!; always bring your mouth guard, you cannot practice without it; school work comes before lacrosse, but you may not miss practice; stretch fifteen minutes before practice, so get there a half hour early; put your hands above your head if you has a asthma attack; run faster!; run three miles every day you don’t have practice, even Sunday?, have you not been listening?; you can always do better, you can always try harder; don’t cry when you lose a game, get over it; be tougher than your opponent even if they are six feet tall and weigh two-hundred pounds; lacrosse comes before community service; if you do not run faster than everyone else then you are not trying hard enough; know your limits; e-mail at least twenty college coaches before tomorrow telling them you are interested in playing, even if you’re not; you must be the best; tying is not winning, it’s just another word for loosing; it’s okay to lose one game as long as you win the rest; no you cannot go to the restroom during practice; take a lap.

The author's comments:
This writing is inspired by Girl. It exemplifies the pressure that a sport can have on a person, in this case Lacrosse.

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