A Wavering Choice | Teen Ink

A Wavering Choice

October 19, 2009
By Ginny BRONZE, Hobbs, New Mexico
Ginny BRONZE, Hobbs, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Try to realise it's all within yourself. No one else can make you change and to see you're really only very small and life flows on within you and without you."

You leave me here with a wavering choice
Should I trust you again?
Do you deserve it?

I remember the things i've been through
All the pain you put me through.
Only you could hurt me this much
You say you love me, then you don't
That you'll fight harder,
But you won't.
You'll let it go, let it slip away.
I know you will.

The hurt and the pain,
Is it worth all that?

The love and the kindness pulls me in,
But will your kind smile
Will your soft touch and kind words

You give me hope,
Too much.
I can't handle it all.
I would gladly climb your walls
Would you?
Meet me halfway?
I'll go through the suffering
As long as you stay beside me,
Holding my hand,
Telling me
Everything will be okay.
That its all worth it.
That you'll never leave me.

And yet you have left me before
Alone in the dark,
Hoping for your return.
You left me to suffer on my own.

I followed you
Begging you not to leave me.
You broke your promise,
Without you,
I wasn't me.
I didn't know how to be
But I found light in the darkness around.
That light helped me.
Helped me through the pain,
The way you couldn't.
That light became my friend.

And yet again,
You leave me here with a wavering choice.
Should I trust you again?
Will I find a different ending?
Or will I go through this,
For something the same?

But I will always have my light.
Something you can never dim.
The light you could never
Turn off.

The author's comments:
I wrote this about 8 months ago. That was when my ex-boyfriend asked me out again. It was an interesting occasion. I never gave it to him, I just let my best friend read it. I had asked my friend what he thought before I gave my answer, of course he didn't like it. It was my choice in the end. I said yes. 8 wonderful months have gone by since then. Wow, its been that long.

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