Classroom Rules | Teen Ink

Classroom Rules

October 14, 2009
By silvercan BRONZE, Bowie, Maryland
silvercan BRONZE, Bowie, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the quickest way to a girls heart is with a shotgun

The children sit and listen
Forced to pay attention
Trying hard not to be given
A pass straight to detention
A one way admission
Straight down bad decisions
Cursed with visions of bad livin
Stickin with low life wages
As their books show bright pages
They must hold light crazes
or just like past ages
The sages will mak a call
To the mom and like a bomb
She'll explode and unload
A package so heavy
that the weight alone
Well be too much for one to bear
But the fear of dads whip
Exist to dismiss
All the chaos in the air
They think its not fair
But their too scared
To stand up and just declare
That they've had enough
It ends here
Prepare for the battle of the century
The penitentury will soon see some fresh blood
They've asked just for some respect
Just for some love
Just for a hug
But those above just shrug
Sweep the pain under the rug
And rub those mental cuts with acid
Now the kids are stuck stranded
Empty handed in the previously mentioned
Hediously demented detention
Forced to invision that whip
That clack and that clicks
Against bare skin and inflicts
Nothing but physical harm
That thought alone is the alarm
Thats wakes them up
Shakes em
And takes them to that bright sheet
With the light things
That will give them a bright life
Cause they just might be the few
that followed
the classroom rules

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