Desperate For You | Teen Ink

Desperate For You

October 13, 2009
By Anonymous

My heart stops and hands get sweaty
Butterflies come to fill an empty space
Everyone around us melt away
And all I see is you.

Your words are golden and your voice is like silk
With eyes like almonds i'm slowly mesmerized
Beautiful tanned skin and sweet smooth lips
The only things I will ever want to kiss.

Your arms surround me and keep me from danger
I hold you tight and feel at home
Your body, so warm, emanates it's heat
Filling my soul to make me feel complete.

Feeling eager, little did I know
That this stupid crush would start to over grow
You've captured my heart and have kept it for a year
These are the are the words I wish you could hear.

I've fallen in love with you, flaws and all
But the hardest part is that you don't know
I don't have the guts to admit these feelings
Because I love you michael chin, and it's not easy

The author's comments:
Everyone feels these certain emotions when they've realized that they are in love. This is how I feel and knowing that I am in love someone who doesn't even know makes me feel so vulnerable and desperate. A lot of people can connect to this poem.

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