Alec (if only) | Teen Ink

Alec (if only)

October 14, 2009
By Xbroken_heartX BRONZE, Irving, Texas
Xbroken_heartX BRONZE, Irving, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Whatever Floats Your Boat, Dude"

So many words to describe you, so many feelings felt for you. If only you could see that. If only i was as obvious as i usually am. If only you knew how long it's been. If only.. If only i had the courage, if only i had the guts to show you. if only you knew how it feels to see you from afar. if only you saw just how mysterious you can be. If only i could somehow scream out my feelings, but yet fear silences me yet another sunday. A mystery someone strives desperatly to solve. If only. If only my lips scream my thoughts, and heart. If only. If only your eyes could see right through me. if only i wasn't invisible to the whole church. If only i could be a year older. if only you could see how much i care. If only you cared for me the same way. why can't you see me? Alec,why can't you notice me??

The author's comments:
I've had a crush on this guy that goes to my church, but he won't date me because i'm 3 years younger than he is

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