Set Free | Teen Ink

Set Free

October 3, 2009
By mananda BRONZE, Eatonville, Washington
mananda BRONZE, Eatonville, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Sometimes things in our lives hold such significance in our lives that they are inscribed in our minds like words in a book. We forget them, delete them, or change them. All we can do is accept them, learn from them, and turn the page.

As I wake in the morn
with my heart painfully torn,
From the evil mean lies
that leave nothing but sighs.

Oh how i wish the hurt would end
I don't want love to be pretend,
I hate the sadness
Ihate the sorrow,
I want to live today
without fearing tomorrow.

This world is filled with hatred and pain
Reality is one step away,
I want to go to a peaceful land
I want to be in the warmth of God's hand.

I'll fight my best, but not for long
A bird can't always sing a cheerful song,
I'm that bird
Please set me free,
please let me go
I'm suffering.

I'm tired of living where the future is the past,
I want to go where love will always last.

There's a profound emptiness that keeps me awake
But i fake a smile to hide the pain.

Take me out of this world where i'm not wanted,
Wher evil lurks and lives are taunted.

I'm sprouting wings to soar up in the sky,
I'm transfering to the world where i'll never die.

I've stepped out of the darkness and into the light,
Now i'm just another star sparkling at night.

Just another face the world forgot,
Farther from home
but closer to God.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 25 2010 at 2:52 pm
Caroline35 GOLD, Bain De Bretagne ( Britany), Other
15 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's never one of anyone"

Very good poem :) Good job on rhymes !! Keep writing =)