Why do we take drugs? | Teen Ink

Why do we take drugs?

September 26, 2009
By Anonymous

Why do we take drugs?
Do we live longer?
Do we make friends or loose old friends?
Why do my friends take drugs?
Why do they regret it?
Why cant they stop?
Why do they talk about suicide?
Why do they run away?
Why do they have family problems?
Why do they get arrested?
Do they make you look cool?
Does it make you happy?

The author's comments:
Friends, life

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 3 2009 at 9:57 pm
hi, i really liked ur poem. im a drug addict, 18yrs old. been in and out of rehab 5 times, going to b my 6th tomarrow actually (whether u believe that or not). but, my friends probably ask that question about me all the time, and if i could answer them, i think i would tell that that i do drugs, i break the law, i cant stop, i tried to commit suicide, because i want the pain to stop, b.c i wish i could die, i wihs i could commit suicide, but i cant b/c i no that it would hurt other people (even though i dont show that) and i regret drugging because i know that im hurting everybody around me and i keep doing it because i dont want to have to feel the pain of guilt... i guess honestly.. the answer to all of these questions.. I DONT KNOW.. i wish i did but i dont no why, but i do know that i wish it was differant.

I know it must be difficult for u to have to see friends or family or both, to see n e body going through this kind of stuff, they will constantly hurt u and it seems on purpose.. just dont leave them. They need you. Dont push them to get better, don't save them b/c thats not up to you to do, only they can help themselves and i no thats hard, just make sure they know that ur there for them, and make sure that you ARE there for them.. one day they will come around.

SORRY! im ranting, lol i dunno how to say what i want to say to you, im useally very good a writing, i just have so much personal attatchment to drug issues that i just can never seem to portray properly.

ANYWAYS>> good job on the writing, i like it :)