Mothers and Daughters | Teen Ink

Mothers and Daughters

April 18, 2024
By Anonymous

In the dance of life, a mother and daughter start Bound by love, with a connection at heart.
But as time unfolds, paths begin to diverge,
Leaving behind a bond that once did surge.

Once intertwined like vines in a garden fair,
Their love was now strained, with an unspoken despair.
Words left unspoken, feelings held at bay,
As distance grows wider with each passing day.

The laughter that once echoed through the air,
Now replaced by silence, a lingering despair.
Aching hearts yearn for the closeness they knew,
But time and circumstance have led them askew.

The mother, once a guide, now feels adrift,
As the daughter seeks her own path, swift.
Misunderstandings and differences take their toll,
Leaving wounds that seem impossible to console.

Yet in the depths of this heartrending divide,
Lies a yearning for connection that can't be denied.
For the bond of a mother and daughter runs deep,
A timeless connection that no distance can keep.

As the winds of change continue to blow,
Hope lingers on, like a persistent glow.
For in the quiet moments, a flicker of light,
Whispers of reconciliation take flight.

Though their paths may wander, and their journeys depart,
The love that once bound them remains in their heart.
For in the tapestry of life, their story's not done,
And a mother's love shines bright, like the morning sun.

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