Here I... | Teen Ink

Here I...

December 5, 2019
By Anonymous

Here I sit on an airplane,

Honestly I just cant catch a break,


Well rather moving,

I feel the ground beneath my feet shake,


Here I sit,

My head in my palms,

No one told me,

It was going to be this hard,

The stress eats through me,

The part of myself that I recognize,

is the size of a shard,

Questioning my sanity,

Because the language they speak is foreign to me,


Here I ponder,



Where are the exits,

Where is the button we are not meant to press,

Where will he come from,

How far can I run,

Do you run straight,

Is distance better than throwing off his aim,

How far could the bullets go,

Would the desks protect us,

Or would it just be time to let go

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