The World After | Teen Ink

The World After

September 9, 2019
By RachelSchwartz GOLD, Lakeland, Florida
RachelSchwartz GOLD, Lakeland, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I long to one day reach every one of those hidden parts of myself that I have for so long ignored. You found some of them that day we breathed in and out, rocking together like a boat. I felt your joy, and I felt your sadness. My eyes became teary. Sometimes we smiled. Sometimes we left our faces blank. We were connected either way.

When I stole a deep breath from the atmosphere, then returned it to nature, and watched you do the same, I saw it: our rhythm, like waves on a shore. When I went home, I could feel it still. That night, while staring at a bare, white wall, I gazed deep into your eyes, and I saw an entire world. Was it yours?

Even now, I remember that place: it is any color. It is open or closed. It is despondent or jovial. It is anything and everything and nothing. It is always complex, and that complexity is always beautiful. It is very beautiful to me.

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