Insatiable | Teen Ink


May 1, 2019
By AlyssaPacaccio BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
AlyssaPacaccio BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Perpetual searching with an unreachable goal
An undisclosed destination and an insatiable soul.

A constant hunger and yearning for more

Lights the unending fire of an internal war.

The passion, the greed, the immeasurable strife

Chain each person in fear of an unfulfilled life.

Each step leaves a deeper hole and each turn another choice,

Every move being watched by the almighty voice.

As we all attempt to navigate this metamorphic path,

Reverberating pressures exhibit their wrath.

The selfish labyrinth and all-consuming campaign,

Often leave us bereft of the contentment we crave.

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