Past | Teen Ink


March 22, 2019
By NatalieV. BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
NatalieV. BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your past

Powerful, unique

Fearful, jarring, wonderful

Harmful, marvelous

Past, shapes who you are

But no matter your past

You must break the chains

To experience the future

And its gains.


In the words of Chuck Palahniuk,

Your past is just a story.

And once you realize this

It has no power over you.

Take it from him

Whose past wounds him

The past hurts

It mars and scars

Break free from it

The past dominates

It changes and annihilates

Break free from it

The past defines

Break free from its lines.


As For King and Country sings,

Step into a new day

We can rise up from the dust and walk away

We can dance upon our heartache, yeah

So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships

And don't you look back.

Leaving your past behind you

Can be as simple as

Lighting the flame

Of your future

Light the match

Break free from it

Burn towards the future

Break free from it

Let go of the past

Break free from it at last


Your past

Weighs a ton

But your future

Is light as a feather

As Winston Churchill says,

If we open a quarrel between past and present,

We shall find that we have lost the future.

The past weighs

Down an extraordinary being

Break free from it

The past locks

And holds the key

Break free from it and flee.


What about it’s good?

The memories of

Joy, wonder and happiness

Moments of beauty, these are

Why break free from it?

In the words of Alex Haley,

In every conceivable manner,

The family is link to our past,

Bridge to our future.

In my opinion

Your past is important

Moments throughout it

Shaped me

Breaking free would

Destroy, shred and diminish these memories.


But they hold us back

They keep us in the past

Holding our souls

Still in those moments

Not letting the future

Take its hold

The past brings

Joy, wonder and happiness

Break free from it and move forward into newness.


Your past hurts

It mars and scars

Your past dominates

It changes and annihilates

Your past defines and determinates

Your past weighs

Down an extraordinary being

Your past locks

And holds the key


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