The Trap | Teen Ink

The Trap

February 20, 2019
By Cia_Jissel BRONZE, Durango, Colorado
Cia_Jissel BRONZE, Durango, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" When life beats you down, Just keep walking."

Some people say people always have beauty,

But I don't see how. I mean there's me.

I am always so mean to people I love and end up pushing them away.

Or I just limit them to certain things and seem cold.

But I am maybe just too scared to be taken advantage of just like before.

People say “People learn from mistakes” but some people don’t.

So they end up picking the same type of people who mistreat you.

Over and over again,

They do things like others had done in the past.

So then after all that you start to feel like your trapped in a cage.

Unable to escape.

But whenever you do escape you end up being caught in another trap.

Because you put so much trust and respect into someone and you help them.

But they don’t feel the same…

So they backstab you.

They hurt you and you go right back to the cage.

The cage of depression.

The cage were you feel non stop worthlessness, emptiness, hopelessness.

So all of that bottles up and one day,

The bottle breaks

Not only does they bottle break, You do too

Eager to find someone to pick up all the pieces and put you together again.

Someone to fix me, To fix us.

The author's comments:

This is about what people are going through.

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