Red Robin | Teen Ink

Red Robin

July 28, 2018
By Briar_Rose SILVER, Greenwood, Arkansas
Briar_Rose SILVER, Greenwood, Arkansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow." - Walt Disney

The red robin came to see me again today,

Bringing my gift but again it couldn’t stay.

I miss it ever so much when it goes,

but I know it will always bring me back a new red rose.

A beautiful specimen, brighter than the last,

Always a rose sitting by my window glass.

So when it begins to wilt and the petals fall,

I know my feathered friend will answer the call.

It will fly in and perch on the sill,

Waiting for me to accept my new fill.

I take the new floral as it sings me a song,

Waving goodbye again as it flies along.

I was never sure why it came to greet me or why it would bring these gifts.

But I knew I enjoyed the company and the occasional spirit lift.

So the next time the red robin came to see me I was waiting for it instead.

As it delivered my new red rose, it was time my thanks weren’t left unsaid.

I placed a plate of seed on the sill where it stood,

And it cautiously pecked at the offered goods.

The treat was devoured and again it flew away.

But this time... it came back the next day.

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