Lending a Hand | Teen Ink

Lending a Hand

July 9, 2016
By writergirl1999 BRONZE, Norphlet, Arkansas
writergirl1999 BRONZE, Norphlet, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Starbucks in the morning
Water bottles lay chilling
Sweetened dessert with strawberries.
We are blind to these luxuries
Could anything be more important than our phones?
What if we looked up and saw their bones?
Would we pause Instagram,
And actually give a damn
Please excuse my choice of diction,
I understand that it creates friction.
Some people are without water,
As the earth continues to get hotter.
Yet here we are behind the screen,
So pardon me be being mean.
But united through humanity isn't it our responsibility,
To help those in streets create stability?
So here I am,
Giving you a slam.
Get out of your bubble,
And lend a hand to those in trouble.

The author's comments:

The other day I saw a post about a homeless person, but she wasn't a lazy or unmotivated person. She was a person with a college degree that couldn't find a job, and she ended up on the streets because of it. 

Many times those of us that have never experienced that don't really care too much about the people that do. As the upcoming generations we need to decrease poverty, and I wanted to write from my point of view something inspiring to create a change.

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