I'll Always be Here | Teen Ink

I'll Always be Here

July 29, 2012
By Desi Wood BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
Desi Wood BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’ll always be here
At night when you can't sleep
Lying awake thinking too deep
Of all the roads you must take
Traveling onward for destiny's sake
Realizing some won't always be there
But you don't understand how much I care
People like you are so rare
And we're stuck together like a pair...

Because although your dreams are higher than the sky, wider than the ocean, further than the heavens, and deeper than the sea
I'll be there

One day you'll wage wars
Forced to stand tall when fear's at your door
Someday you'll conquer them all
Look back and they'll seem so small
You'll never fall
Your potential calls...

You might lead an army and save the world, give life to the lifeless and hope to the hopeless, build an empire and become king of the world
I'll be there

But maybe you'll stare death in the face
Find yourself in the darkest place
Feel the frigidness of freezing rain
Burning of daily hunger pain
Hearing nothing but white noise
All but losing your poise
Wishing there was a way to repeat
Yet living with the sadness of defeat...

And I'll be there

To hold your hand in the wake of death
Shining light into the darkness
Fueling a fire within you with my beating heart
Feeding you with my undying love
Breaking the silence with laughter
Comforting you on your knees
Placing a veil over the rear view
And in breathing, showing you blessings

Don't you know dear?
There's no need to fear
Don't ever shed a tear
I'll always be here

The author's comments:
This was written for my little brother when he graduated high school. He'll be leaving Fort Worth, TX and heading to Oklahoma State University in the fall.

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