Souls and Shadows | Teen Ink

Souls and Shadows

February 6, 2012
By PoetP. SILVER, Zachary, Louisiana
PoetP. SILVER, Zachary, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have a dream that, one day, Blacks and Whites will come together as one-as a family!"
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

I've seen these figures
I've heard their voices
But what I don't understand
Is the followed-by noises

I've observed the heart
I've noticed it's path
But the question remains
"What does it craft?"

I've understood the walks
I've understood the talks
But what can't be understood
Is that pillar of chalks

What may seem simple
Is what gets hard
Especially when you're
Downstreet on South Bullouvard

This question will await
For rolls of narrows
Which will be answered
By Souls and Shadows!

The author's comments:
This piece is about people and their paths in life!

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