Poison Bullets | Teen Ink

Poison Bullets

June 26, 2011
By Anonymous

He wouldn’t stop looking at me through the window of his dad’s truck; Heart break. I’m surprised he even recognized me, my hair was such a mess, and I hadn’t slept at all that day, that I saw him. He gave me that look like maybe he’ll remember me, or maybe he won’t. A look like a poison bullet I feel through my shirt like someone is watching and they sting me because they know it’ll hurt me. Our final days, hours and minutes our last moments together like poison bullets through my heart; Stuck just right. The eyes of a snake like poison flames meant to melt but I don’t know how to see this through. And you don’t know how to love me right, many sleepless nights without you here to hold me tight. Sleepless nights put to rest by the beat of your heart through your shirt. my hand on your chest I still feel it beating. Before you confessed to cheating and the many sleepless nights that drove you to drink, bittersweet wine and I didn’t know that night that you thought of her while you were beside me. And I didn’t know you were leaving the very next day until you packed your suitcase and left me to wait. Saying you had enough, and I didn’t know you’d leave me to grieve oh bitterness, but I won’t, because I’ll just be happy that you’re making it through the day and you’re not alone, but I also hope that you call and the memories they don’t become you’re downfall. But know this I still wait hoping you’ll come crawling back on your knees when she does you wrong.

The author's comments:
I want people to know that love doesn't always last and it can hurt you a lot.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 15 2011 at 1:54 pm
Good job Tone! <3 you :)

Carrienead said...
on Jul. 13 2011 at 6:38 am
WOW, you are an amazing writer hun.  I know that story was brought out deep from your heart which is the best way to write.  Im so proud of you.  Miss and love you.