ode poem | Teen Ink

ode poem

November 6, 2017
By Anonymous

The ode poem of my cuticles
The cuticle , a slim layer of skin under the humans nail
Without the soft dead cuticle the nail would do nothing but fail
The charming cuticle is there to protect your nail through the growth matrix
All it does is appear on the nails skin surfax
Oh mysterious cuticle you appear stunningly on the bottom of my nail
With you my nail would only look so pale
Oh lovely cuticle without you I wouldn't know when it's time to get a fill
WOW just for you I always spend a bill
I love the fact that the richness of your nail is connected to my skin like you are to my heart
You’re amazing wonders on the bottom of my nail looks like art
Oh gorgeous cuticle I never want to let you go
Because I love you so much every one around me thinks I am physico
I love you cuticle
Because of you I always use Antibacterial
Oh Beutiful  cuticle thank you

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ode poem about cuticles

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