Childhood | Teen Ink


May 11, 2017
By kasarskytyler SILVER, OSHKOSH, Wisconsin
kasarskytyler SILVER, OSHKOSH, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was the adventurous child
With capacious coatings
Of glistening
Iron armor.
My childhood
was adventurous.

My friends and I,
Spent days on end
Playing pretend,
With a immaculate
Collection of

Long days of feign gun sounds;
“Boom” “Brap” “bang bang”!
And hour long arguments over
“I got you” and
“No, I got you!”
But in the end
There was no jiffier amount of joy
We could of ever had.

In warmer months
We’d spend whole days
On fossilized next bicycles.
Letting the old Oshkosh roads
leading us to,
oh who knows.
But as we’ve grown older
Interests have changed.
From fake weaponry
To massive displays, of airsoft artillery.
And unfortunately to say
the force did not appreciate these
airsoft assault weekend eves.  
At least with these
we argued no more.
Trying to predispose
a hit at war

As the days got shorter,
And we grew wiser,
Interests began to change.
We no longer
enjoyed the same pleasures.
We got into quarrels
Over middle school
love immorals.
And this tore us away
from being friends today.

But today,
I am not hurt a bit,
for I have new friends.
I have created new adventures.
And many more memories,
are to be conceived.

In one hand
I clench a rusty wrench.
Am fantasized with creating
creations of my own.
No more pretend for me,
I am a working man
you see.
Working for the right
to be more of a man
than a man could ever be.

Putting in long days,
to work for dreams
and goals i've always dreamed.

One day I will look beyond
and it will be hard to believe,
that for so many years
I failed to see
that maybe there's more
to life than
being a working
living being 

But for now, there is
no more pretend for me.
just reality.

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