Peter and his Crystal Pepsi | Teen Ink

Peter and his Crystal Pepsi

May 8, 2017
By RobertCovington BRONZE, Avonadle, Arizona
RobertCovington BRONZE, Avonadle, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Peter lost his temper because Joanna drank the very last of his Crysatl Pepsi in the house. He the stormed out and he to the store only to find that they discontinued his favorite soda. After a few days of searching he finds that a little gas station call Gasolinera in Nogales, Arizona that has a 12 pack of the famous Crystal Pepsi. He sat and contemplated hours on hours if it was worth the drive and realized, IT WAS. He began to drive from his home in Vancouver, Canada through the US, taking 6 days and 5 nights driving up to 14 hours a day he was tired. He made it to the gas station only to find out they were out of his favorite drink. He lied down crying sobbing and felt his life was over. 

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