My First Michigan Football Game | Teen Ink

My First Michigan Football Game

November 16, 2016
By DylanNkhms BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
DylanNkhms BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

T’was just a fine day in Ann Arbor Michigan
Rolling down Main street with tires of michelin
The gust of fall breeze rushed through my hair
Not knowing that we were almost there
Where are we going you ask
Where Michigan plays, and to win is their task
Time to see the greatest team at last!

We make our way into Michigan Stadium
My cranium felt as radioactive as radium
A headache had just arrived
The roar of the crowd had thrived through my head
Trying to forget the pain
Not knowing I would go insane.

28-0 Michigan up at the half
By this time I was starting to laugh
My head hurt so bad it felt like everyone’s asking for an autograph
This game was the best thing ever
This is a moment I thought I could never endeavor
As Michigan walked into the locker room
I thought they swept away the other team with a broom
Jabrill Peppers came to my side
And told me at least the other team tried
The pressure in my head was beginning to ease
This was due to the cool breeze.

58-0 at the end of the game
My first experience was pretty insane
Got to meet Jabrill Peppers
Realized the game of football is a lot harder than checkers
Showed Penn State how to play ball
Michigan’s defence was like a brick wall
Didn’t get stung by a bee
And my headache had escaped me.

Meeting my hero brought me more fame
Found out that Penn State is pretty lame
Michigan didn’t blow it
And realized I had to make the best out of every moment
That was my first Michigan game.

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