Snow Boarding | Teen Ink

Snow Boarding

March 10, 2009
By Hannah Faccio BRONZE, Belmont, Michigan
Hannah Faccio BRONZE, Belmont, Michigan
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Gently bobbing up and down on the chairlift
The sun beaming against my chilled face
Now I'm on the top of the hill looking down at the lodge below
I strap my binding
Going down the hill I feel the harsh wind hit my face violently
Racing down the mountain
I see other kids go off jumps and land with perfection
I wish I could do that
All I can do is go down the hill swerving every once and a while
If I practice, I know I can do it
When going down the steep part of the hill I feel butterflies in my stomach
Always nervous that I will fall
I slow down and make it without falling
What a thrill

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