Skyline, Sky High | Teen Ink

Skyline, Sky High

March 5, 2009
By Nick Vardakis BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
Nick Vardakis BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Buildings standing tall and small.
The tall buildings protected by the clouds
And separated from the heavens
Like a thin wool blanket.
The streets always busy with crowds of people
Rushing to complete a task;
A New York City task.
The deep smell of the thick pollution
Rolling in from factories and steam boats
Fills the air
Like smoke from a fire
Arises sending deep aromas into your lounges.
Once crossing the frail brick bridge,
You enter a new dimension.
The city full of tall and small,
Full of lofty buildings,
And people of the abnormal,
Are welcomed by the city of the name,
New York City
Which is proudly hung on my wall.

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