Guilty Conscience | Teen Ink

Guilty Conscience

March 2, 2009
By J.PMargaret BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
J.PMargaret BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
3 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Her ghastly body lay frozen on the cement. She was pale, lying in her blood. i was inconsolable, my broken heart never to be mended. Reluctantly she slipped away. The pain to unbearable for her to live through. I was guilty, my conscience tearing me apart. I sobbed as she slowly ascended to a place of peace and happiness. I should've let her take the wheel and maybe she'd still be alive. But now, forever, she is gone. Why'd I have to drink and drive.

The author's comments:
Hi, writing is my life. I am still very young and learning the buisness of writing. I figured a good way for people to see my work would be in a magazine, so i joined Teenink. I am ready to be an author and have my work shared with the world!!!!!

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