Forget me from a Distance | Teen Ink

Forget me from a Distance

February 25, 2009
By Winnebago SILVER, Morrison, Colorado
Winnebago SILVER, Morrison, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am like a shadow

a person in disguise

feeling and breathing

but never really seen
I look around my classroom now

wondering and remembering
when people go through tough times
do their true colors really show
groups skimming the pages of their own life

have they noticed
I sit against a wall and brace myself

Soon the truth will hit me hard
as the time passes those once loved

will forget my existence, my life
I strive to make an impression

If not I will fade
What's the point of having a life

If no one is there to appreciate it

Hold on tight
the coaster begins
I melt into the seat

notice me not


I am like a shadow

a person in disguise

The author's comments:
This is just a way to express how its hard these days to get positive attention from people. Some are never seen for who they are because they are the ones with morals.

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