danny & katie | Teen Ink

danny & katie

February 28, 2009
By jennaishot BRONZE, Kenosha, Wisconsin
jennaishot BRONZE, Kenosha, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

his first memories were of the inside of a brown box in a bargain department store
but since our relationship grew
he remembers my first, second and third concerts.
he remembers walking along the lighthouse pier
he remembers meeting new friends, old friends, and potential friends
he remembers hate
he's been stepped on
he's been walked on
he's constantly being used
he smells of rotting eggs and has gum stuck to the bottom of one side
he remembers green duct tape
he attended parties with me
sticky liquids spilled on his skin
he doesn't worry much about germs, he's encountered more bacteria than the normal human
of course, he's not at all human
throwing him away is throwing away countless memories, one copy in my mind, one in his
i don't even mind that he's dirty and smelly
he's more comforting than anything else i can think of
all these memories, all these good times
but i think it's time for a new pair of shoes

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