A song of Myself | Teen Ink

A song of Myself

February 23, 2009
By Sara Ditzel BRONZE, Mason, Ohio
Sara Ditzel BRONZE, Mason, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am me,
My gift to the world:
not yet known.
I am one who tries
to live every day like it's the last,
but can't quite seem to gain the spontaneity;
who is always thinking about the after,
and not quite the now.

I am me,
The realist who tries-
but can't gain-
the status of romantic,
whose mind is filled with dreams, goals, wants,
and who reaches reaches reaches
but never seems to reach far enough.

Me, the one who believes:
the truth of the mouth
is the key to the heart,
but still thinks 'the best part of believe is the lie'.
Who has fears of being the last one standing,
with no one but my shadow,
who doesn't know if up is down,
or if left is right,
but couldn't choose if I did.

I am me,
my gift to the world:
not yet known,
but my story is still being written.

The author's comments:
This is inspired by Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself"

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