Unmerciful Shadow | Teen Ink

Unmerciful Shadow

February 14, 2009
By marmarbinks GOLD, Commack, New York
marmarbinks GOLD, Commack, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Silence spreads its dissonant sound
Darkness smothers and constricts the earth
Shadow creeps around each corner
As time continues hour upon fatal hour.
All who find themselves under Shadow's spell
Long for love to overcome loneliness,
Long for warmth to overcome frost,
Long for strength to overcome fear,
Long for truth to overcome lies,
And fall prisoner to their only source of comfort
And the nightmares that lurk in their imagination.
All of whom that have escaped Shadow's wrath
Hold within them the truth that is hidden by the mysterious night,
Yet they remain pensive about every detail in the sky,
Their only means of thought provoked by the wonder of the moon and stars.
However still, the ignorance of the night shall soon break to day
In which that ignorance Shadow has instilled in its prisoners will no longer be obscured,
But illuminated in the spotlight of the sun on the stage of utter confusion and chaos.

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