Admist a Dream | Teen Ink

Admist a Dream

January 19, 2009
By Anonymous

Daydreamin’ days away
As I stare through the window
Into another realm of time and space
The soft white clouds
Seemingly shedding their skin
In small flurries of snow
As each snowflake falls
Different from the one before it
I can see faces on each
Minuscule fleck of white

But wait,

White turns to gray
Snow to ash

And now,

The scene begins shedding
Its skin; losing each
Frame, each perspective of reality
To blackness
As each breath becomes harder
The air thinner
And right before the final gasp

You awake

“Because you cant die in your dreams”

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This article has 1 comment.

kelse6547 said...
on Mar. 6 2009 at 1:34 am
I love how it comes to such an unexpected halat at the end, it really keeps the reader interesting.I also like the way it is so detailed at the beginning it's impressive, you have talent, please see my poem too at