Drowning in the Lake | Teen Ink

Drowning in the Lake

February 12, 2009
By Miamilee GOLD, Hewitt, New Jersey
Miamilee GOLD, Hewitt, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The car sank deeper and deeper into the cold inferno of the lake
The water choking the life-force of the car, condemning the couple inside to a doomed cage
Death aching deeply in its belly,
longing to take the couple's souls for eternality
The man tainted by desperation, shattered the front window with a brute kick
The floods of aquatic murder rushed in, engulfing the interior of the car and sapping the very energy of the couple's spirits
The water rose rapidly and without mercy
Overwhelmed by instinct, the couple torn at their seatbelts
with adrenaline fueled strength
The man's came off without out thought, but the woman's was stubborn and cruel
The man, freed from his bonds, yanked on hers
But the seatbelt bit down on rebellion, as he tried to go toe to toe with it
His chest burned with acidic anguish and his lungs cried out for the sweet taste of air but he did not care
She watched him, as each of his attempts to save her became sicken failures
Knowing time was a cursed enemy; she reached out her hand and touched his face
He prolonged his rescue and stared into her eyes with passion and power
She stared at him with fondness and gentleness
She seized the necklace on her neck and yanked it off
The golden heart pendant dangling in the water
A look of confusion-drove fear formed across his face
She sucked him into her and gave him a long and tender kiss, as she put the necklace in his hand
Puzzled, he put his empty hand on her seatbelt again, ready to rescue her, but she laid a humble hand on it and drew it to her chest
With a peaceful angel-like demeanor, she kissed his hand and then released it
Fighting all impulses and urges to be her hero, he sorrowfully understood her as he,in his mind, shamefully swam out of the car
and towards the bittersweet surface of the lake
Regretting his inability to save, he turned around to get one last look at her
She was in the car, so lovely, so beautiful, eyes closed, calmly and innocently allowing the lake to claim her
He watched as she mouthed words to him
They were daggers to his already wretched heart
And with that she was gone, forever one with the lake
Sick in his heart, he forced himself to keep swimming,
for he started to contemplate an afterlife reunion with her
Barely alive inside, he finally broke free from the death-grip of the lake
Heavy breathing and streaming tears was all he could muster
The sirens of belated help echoed in the distant
'I love you too,' he whispered back to her, as the car sank deeper and deeper into the cold inferno of the lake

The author's comments:
I normally don't write "love poems", one because it's overly done and two because I don't consider myself, a for the lack of a better word, "sapping" kind of guy. But I wanted to tried something new and adventure off into something I normally don't do. So hope you enjoy reading this poem and if not, I'm sorry. I guess it means I shouldn't write love poems anymore.Ha Ha Ha. Again as a reminder, if you do read this poem or any of my other poems give me some feedback and comments. I'm a very layback guy and trust me any comment you give me whether good, bad, or ugly wouldn't crush me. I love criticism on my work, it makes me believe that people care about what I'm saying through my works.

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