Celestine Dance | Teen Ink

Celestine Dance

February 10, 2009
By Paula Danika BRONZE, Livingston, New Jersey
Paula Danika BRONZE, Livingston, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The still air greets me
as the gentle night wind caresses my face.
Old friend of mine, it has been
far too long since we have danced among the stars.

Head in the clouds, I walk amongst the stars and
surrender myself to the starlight,
handing to the heavens, my dreams.

There is no reason for me to remain grounded,
for in the skies, my sorrow takes flight
and I am free.

It is my usual nighttime game of rearranging
the star-studded sky to see his face near mine
as the moon sings his melody;
A rhapsody in the blue night.

Dancing among the flickering night candles,
I weave the pattern of my life with the darkness
the swirls and curlicues spinning across the black canvas
while peals of laughter pierce the stillness.

I am a child once more.

As the echoes of laughter recede, I close my eyes
and listen to the melody of the silence,
As the still night pulses with life, I close my eyes
and wish.

And how I long for those words
that turn the night to day and back again
with love and love alone.

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