My Angel | Teen Ink

My Angel

February 4, 2009
By Shorty BRONZE, Ottumwa, Iowa
Shorty BRONZE, Ottumwa, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My breathe slips away and I'm starting to fade, into the dark place where the devil plays.
Breathing gets heavy, I can barley see.
There's pains in my rib cage and my blackened heart is starting to bleed.
Life is closing down on me, there's no one around.
I'm lying on the ground, blood trickling from my tiny broken nose.
There's blood seeping from the gash on the side of my head, my broken ribs seem like their caving in.
Where is my angel?
Where is my angel to save me?
My broken soul inside my sinful body.
The life I lived was a complete broken story.
Do I even have a savior?
I need him to guide me.
Now there's only darkness from what I can see, there is no light left for me.
My breathe shortens, its almost the end.
With my last few breathes I whisper to him for forgiveness and grace to fall in my place.
And my last glance was an angels face.

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