The Victor | Teen Ink

The Victor

October 22, 2015
By Map716 BRONZE, Lookout Mtn., Georgia
Map716 BRONZE, Lookout Mtn., Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I've got the guts to die. What I want to know is, have you got the guts to live?”
― Tennessee Williams

He came to visit.
His presence all around.
He waited in the corners, waited without sound.
She barely had warning.
The doctor said she would have more time.
But time was flying on a fast decline.
The calls came in and family knew.
I sat in the car struck dumb.
How could this happen? Everything went numb.
I didn’t cry.
Crying admitted it was true.
It wasn’t, I just knew.
It was like walking in a dream.
Any moment I would wake.
It would all be gone, it would all be fake.
His grip was strong and his control filled the air.
He turned every eye teary.
Made our hearts weary.
But I was too busy to feel his power.
Then one day he caught me.
I cried and I cried, “Oh God hear my plea!”
I knew I no longer could deny.
I went to see his work.
He made her body shake and jerk.
She was always so strong.
‘Till he came around.
She fought him with her vivacity, she didn’t take it lying down.
Her family all put on a show.
Faces of stoicism and bravery.
I looked in the children’s eyes, gravely.
What could I say to lessen the pain?
All were armed against him, as he sulked in the corner.
He waited till the walls went down, his reward to garner.
The moment came or so they thought.
I waited every second afraid.
But good news arrived, maybe all this pain would fade.
That was just his game.
The wall fell and he was in.
He could mark one more war down as a win.
I felt empty and rather unsure.
Then angry and riled.
Yet her children still laughed, and her husband still smiled.
She was still here, right?
I waited for her to just walk in.
Just as she had always been.
I sat in the chair and looked around.
She was loved by so many. She left not a heart cold.
The room was full, memories to be told.
Then the pictures came.
They showed a smile never again to be seen in this life.
A face full of love and joy, free of strife.
The last few moments captured for eternity.
My heart broke.
Never again would this face greet or her lips crack a joke.
He had done his work well, but not well enough.
Though hard he tried.
Nothing could forever remove her effect on our lives.
Her words will echo.
Her face still shine in memory.
“Where, O death, is your victory?”
(In memory of Laura H.)

The author's comments:

When I lost someone close to me it took awhile to come to terms with the fact she was gone, however I finally realized that we cannot let death have the power, nor will he ever truly win as long as we keep the memories of our loved ones alive. 

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