My one and only | Teen Ink

My one and only

January 30, 2009
By wolfshippo BRONZE, Chesterfield, Michigan
wolfshippo BRONZE, Chesterfield, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I cried for the longest time before you showed up
I cried because i hadnt found you yet
but one day there you were
standing there smiling for no reason
before i knew it i was smiling too
but smiling because i knew that someday
you would be my one and only

four months later, standing here
your holding me tight,
you whisper in my ear
you tell me you love me
and i tell you the same
i tell you the truth
that you are my one and only

five years from now,
we'll be sitting at home
laying on the couch
laughing together just as we do now
i'll look at you and you'll look at me
and that's how i'll know
your my one and only

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