The Middle Of the Ocean | Teen Ink

The Middle Of the Ocean

August 21, 2015
By GeorgiaLeonaSimon BRONZE, Dickinson, Texas
GeorgiaLeonaSimon BRONZE, Dickinson, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"We must become the change we wish to see in the world."

I learned how to swim
in the midst of a raging sea
over taking me.
I've fallen down
more times than I've
stood up.
I'm a sky that's held more water
than the ocean ever will.

Kissing roses was fun
until I got to the thorns
and watched my lips bleed.
I told myself that's all I'll ever need.
But, I'm a creature with a constant
want for more.
I got used to getting what I wanted
but not what I wanted most.

My heart has been so broken
that it will never heal,
it's like I'm not even real.
Except I know what it's like to burn,
to go up into flames
to fall back down as an ash
only to land in a puddle of water
and to break off into millions pieces
and to float far away from each other.
My mind is scattered across
the whole world.

You can find pieces of me in every country
longing for a better answer.
Only to get the same.
I know there is no other answer
but sometimes I can't handle the truth.

From time to time
I have to re-learn how to swim
because the waves keep gettin' bigger
but my arms are gettin' stronger.

The author's comments:

This piece is about growing and rising through the ashes of yor pain. I wrote this poem after going through a though time, and I feel that this piece is important to me because it's a reminder of my past and that I'm strong enough to get through anything. I hope that this piece makes someone else feel, because that's one of main goals as a writer; I want to make people feel something.

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